Adult Learning Offerings For YOU.MakomNY offers a variety of Adult Learning opportunities for our growing community of Adult Learners.
Some of our classes are ongoing; others are brand new. The choice is yours! Come to MakomNY! Classes are open to everyone. New classes beginning in January, 2025..... Adult B'nai Mitzvah ClassHave you always wanted to become Bar or Bat Mitzvah?
This class is for YOU. We will learn together for approximately 18 months in twice monthly classes offered both on ZOOM on midweek evenings and occasionally in person on Shabbat or Sunday afternoons. Our learning will culminate in a group B’nai Mitzvah service in Bethpage. Prerequisite: is ability to read basic Hebrew or register for the Beginner’s Hebrew course concurrent with the B’nai Mitzvah classes. Beginner Hebrew with Sherry A class for those who want to learn how to read Hebrew, and for those who learned years ago and want to refresh their skills.
Classes will meet midweek evenings on ZOOM twice monthly. Fee: $150 for the semester of 12-15 classes; no fee for those who engage as Shorashim. Ongoing Adult Learning at MakomConversational/Modern/Siddur HebrewFor those who already read Hebrew and want to learn more about understanding what they are reading.
Israeli Folk DancingBecause it’s just plain fun! If there is sufficient registration we will be able to hire a great Israeli dance teacher!
The fee will be determined based on registration. Torah and Haftarah TropeThis is an opportunity to learn trope, the cantillation marks that inform how each word is chanted. You will be able to use this skill to chant short passages of Torah for a Shabbat or holiday service, or for a family simcha.
Rosh ChodeshA monthly gathering for women (and occasionally for men) to celebrate the new Jewish month.
What Does Judaism Say About?An ongoing series of standalone classes of various topics – offered both on ZOOM and in person.