Sukkot is a Jewish holiday that remembers when the Jews were wandering in the desert, unable to make roots, and so they create sukkot, or booths, as they traveled through the desert.
During the Festival of Sukkot, one of the three major Festivals in the Jewish calendar, we are commanded to dwell and eat in sukkot, in booths. We are also told to shake the lulav, smell the etrog, and invite guests into our sukkot. At MakomNY, we celebrate Sukkot with several fun activities in the Bravo Sukkah: Bring Your Own Dinners in the Sukkah Wednesday, October 16th and Monday, October 21st, 6:30-8:00pm RSVP for BYO Dinners HERE Sukkot Open House Sunday, October 20th, 4:00-6:00pm RSVP for Sukkot Open House HERE. Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah Friday, October 25th, 6:00pm RSVP for Sukkot Shabbat Dinner HERE. The festival ends with the holiday of Simchat Torah, when we roll the Torah from the very end of Deuteronomy to the beginning of Genesis. At MakomNY, we celebrate Simchat Torah with a wonderful evening of fun: Simchat Torah Celebration Wednesday, October 23rd at the Bethpage Worship Center, 600 Broadway, Bethpage 5:30pm - Simchat Torah Dinner - Reservations Closed 6:30pm - Simchat Torah Service 7:00pm - Dancing with the Torahs and Unrolling the Torah 7:30pm - Oneg Celebration and Conclusion and... Yizkor and Festival Morning Service Friday, October 25th at 11:00am at Rabbi Bravo's Sukkah in Woodbury Followed by Potluck Kiddush Lunch RSVP for Yizkor Festival Service HERE. At MakomNY, each year we celebrate Sukkot and Simchat Torah as a community with joyous celebrations and fun activities for all ages! |